Turmeric is a perennial plant that is a member of the ginger family. Known botanically as Curcuma Longa, Turmeric, sometimes called tumeric, is cultivated throughout tropical regions of India, Southeast Asia and China. The Turmeric plant may grow to 5 feet high and typically produces yellowish flowers. The primary rhizome, or bulb, of turmeric is thick and yellow/red in color. The secondary, or lateral rhizome, is more yellow than the bulb itself. The primary bulb and secondary rhizomes are collected, dried, cleaned, and boiled for various uses in food and healthcare. Turmeric has a long history in ancient Ayurveda for treating various health conditions. Turmeric is warm and bitter to taste, and is widely used to add flavor and color to food. This potent herb is one of the main ingredients in most curry powders and mustards. Among its numerous health benefits, Turmeric is known as an effective and safe anti-inflammatory agent and supporter of normal heart health. It is also used as an immunity booster and daily tonic to strengthen the body. Due to its safe history and mutiple Ayurvedic benefits, Turmeric is becoming increasingly popular as a keystone herb in many nutritional formulas.