Amalaki is a naturally occurring herb that has been used in Ayurveda and traditional Indian healthcare for thousands of years. The herb belongs to the Phyllanthaceae tree family and is known for a small, yellowish edible fruit with the same name. Other names used to refer to this herb are Amla, Indian gooseberry, myrobalan, and amalika in Sanskrit. Amalaki is also one of the three key ingredients in Triphala, the most popular traditional Ayurvedic formula. Amalaki is composed of various substances that are known for their healing properties; it also consists of several powerful antioxidants such as Vitamin C. The herb is commonly used in ayurveda for promoting longevity and supporting the health of bones, blood cells, liver, digestion and skin. In addition to its many health benefits, Amalaki possesses a cooling agent that aids in soothing pitta, one of the three doshas. The history of this herb, its extensive use in Ayurveda, and its positive effects on one's health have led researchers to test Amalaki extensively in various ongoing scientific studies. These studies are investigating Amalaki's effect on heart support, blood health and oxidative stress.
Amalaki is revered in the ancient principles of Ayurveda. Amalaki trees are considered holy by many Hindus, and the tree is celebrated on its own holiday called Amalaki Ekadashi. The Hindu god Vishnu, one of the three supreme deities of Hinduism, is said to reside in the Amalaki tree. In traditional Ayurveda, Amalaki balances out the three doshas, as Amalaki contains five out of the six healing traits recognized in Ayurveda. Amalaki's cooling energy is quite helpful in the reduction of pitta and to balance out the other two doshas because of its sweet taste. Excess of pitta is known for contributing to various imbalances in the human body. When left untreated, these imbalances can lead to occasional inflammation, skin problems, sleeplessness and stress. Amalaki helps reduce excess pitta and bring the body back into Ayurvedic harmony.